Realia Series: Lovers I (to AB)

Impression jet d'encre, 2012-2013

71,1 x 101,6 cm
Édition de 5
Valeur estimée
1 700 $
La série Realia: Lovers I (to AB), qui met en scène deux cadenas interreliés, laisse filtrer par le petit et le banal les effets paradoxaux de la sécurité et de la confiance. En traçant des parallèles entre le conflit territorial et les relations interpersonnelles, l’œuvre aborde l’enfermement et la protection en tant que revers d’une même médaille, et sources de l’éloignement que crée le besoin de définir des frontières et de se protéger – comme quoi ce qui protège peut aussi contraindre et enfermer.
Notice biographique
Juan Ortiz-Apuy was born in Costa Rica in 1980 and currently lives and works in Montreal. He has a BFA from Concordia University, Montreal, a post-graduate diploma from the Glasgow School of Art, Scotland, and a MFA from NSCAD University, Halifax. Recent solo exhibitions include the MacLaren Arts Centre in Barrie, Ontario, Sporobole Art Centre in Sherbrooke, Quebec, and galerie antoine ertaskiran in Montreal. In 2012, his work was shortlisted for the Art Gallery of York University’s ABotM; he won the 2011 Halifax Regional Municipality Contemporary Visual Art Award. His work has been reviewed and published in various magazines, newspapers, and books. Notable examples include The Brave New Avant Garde by Marc James Léger and reviews in Canadian Art, Le Devoir, the Montreal Gazette, and the Barrie Advance. Ortiz-Apuy’s work is in numerous private and public collections in Canada, among them the NSCAD University Visual Resources Collection and the Halifax Regional Municipality. Upcoming exhibitions include ARTPRIM, ARTSPACE, Eastern Edge, A Space, and the 7th Quebec City Biennial Manif d’Art.