
Crayon Conté et marqueur à peinture sur papier, 2015

63,5 x 50,8 cm
Valeur estimée
2 100 $
Exécuté au crayon Conté et au marqueur à peinture sur une feuille de papier rose, Ophidian ouvre un espace entre l’abstraction et la gestation de l’œuvre. Une forme striée et incurvée se déplace dans l’espace de l’œuvre et vient croiser des barres linéaires noires. Bien que l’œuvre soit peu lisible d’un point de vue narratif, elle fait allusion au corps et au travail de l’artiste. Les légères irrégularités dans l’application des matériaux lui confèrent une dimension subjective, ce qui vient compliquer, ultimement, la mise à distance de l’abstraction.
Notice biographique
Jaime Angelopoulos’s work emphasizes the materiality of sculpture by giving prominence to the raw substance with which the artist interacts. The viewer is confronted with her unique treatment of vibrant colours, textures, and contortions, as well as a spontaneity of gesture that is contradictory to the rigid nature of her medium. At first glance, the imagined forms appear to be completely abstract, but upon further inspection, subtle allusions to the human body become apparent. Traditional notions of media are thus rethought, as are conventional distinctions between subject and object. Angelopoulos also produces works on paper that complement her sculptural practice. Angelopoulos has had solo exhibitions at Parisian Laundry (Montreal), Stride Gallery (Calgary), Gallery YYZ (Toronto), and Cambridge Galleries (Cambridge,ON). Her work has been in group exhibitions in Canada and internationally, including Material Girls at the Dunlop Art Gallery (Regina) and The Ruin in the Refuge is the Hole at Galleria 5 (Oulu, Finland). Her works are in the collections of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Canadian Embassy (China & Ottawa), Norton Rose Fulbright, ALDO Group, York University, the Bank of Montreal, and the Claridge Collection, and numerous private collections.