
Papier, pigment, colle, pâte à joints, graphite, argile, 2018

55,9 cm x 46,5 cm
Valeur estimée
2 000 $
thenar tient son nom du groupe de muscles, le thénar, qui relie le pouce à la paume chez l’humain. Ce titre évoque la pratique qui consiste pour l’artiste à se servir de ses mains pour créer des motifs intuitifs et organiques composés de vieux dessins et de débris d’atelier mêlés.
Notice biographique
Thea Yabut is a visual artist based in Montréal. The inscribed surfaces of her works bring identity to an intimate process of materiality, pattern, and improvisation. Recent works incorporate a paper-based mush that is made from water and blended studio remnants: scraps, old drawings, pencil shavings, powdered graphite, chalk pastel, and bonding mediums. As she uses her hands to draw and imprint the material into abstract forms, the work embodies the physical act of its construction. Yabut has presented her work in galleries and museums across Canada. Recent exhibition venues include Tiger Strikes Asteroid (Brooklyn), Cassandra Cassandra (Toronto), L’Inconnue (Montréal), and Cooper Cole (Toronto). She has received numerous grants from the Ontario Arts Council, including the Emerging Artist Grant. She holds an MFA from Western University and a BFA from the Alberta University of the Arts.