Gulper Man

Encre sur papier, 2010

44,5 x 59,2 cm
Valeur estimée
1 250 $
Gulper Man a été créé pendant une débauche de séances de dessin d’après modèle, en 2010. À cette occasion, l’artiste a fusionné ses observations de modèles humains avec des images tirées de manuels d’histoire naturelle. Dans ce dessin particulier, une personne s’est métamorphosée en grandgousier, au plus creux des profondeurs abyssales.
Notice biographique
Jim Holyoak is a Montreal-based artist and writer (born in Michigan, raised in BC.) His discipline is composed of book-works and room-sized installations, with a focus on the ecologies that link the human and the non-human, the imaginary and the real, and our present myopia with geologic deep-time. In parallel to his solo practice, Holyoak has orchestrated numerous collaborative drawing projects, often with fellow artist Matt Shane, and sometimes involving hundreds of people drawing together. Holyoak received a BFA from the University of Victoria, an MFA from Concordia University, and studied as an apprentice to master ink-painter Shen Ling Xiang in Yangshuo, China. He has attended artist residencies in New York, Los Angeles, Mumbai, Banff, the Netherlands, Finland, Sweden, Iceland, and Norway. His work has circulated widely in Europe and North America, including the Musée d’art contemporain de Montréal, the GEM Museum of Contemporary Art (The Hague), Tegnerforbundet (Oslo), and the DRAW2014 International Drawing Symposium (Pittsburgh). His work was recently featured in the “We Are Monsters” issue of Border Crossings magazine and the “Feminisms” issue of esse. His Book of Nineteen Nocturnes was recently on view at the Latvian Centre for Contemporary Art.