
Aquarelle, encre et sel sur papier monté sur panneau, 2012

58,5 x 46 cm
Édition de 1
Valeur estimée
2 800 $
Ce tableau est issu d’une exposition intitulée Kingdom of Names, « le royaume des noms ». Kim Neudorf, auteure du catalogue de l’exposition, déclarait au sujet de cette œuvre : « … Outside exprime la conscience de son parti-pris affiché pour la texture. Formé par la coexistence de l’aquarelle, du sel et du papier, Outside est fendu d’un ample zigzag descendant – ou ascendant, c’est selon –, ligne brisée qui souligne ostensiblement, au lieu de les atténuer, les multiples effets picturaux du fond. » [Trad. libre]
Notice biographique
Sky Glabush lives and works in London Ontario, where he is an associate professor in studio art at Western University. His work has been exhibited nationally and internationally. Recent shows include Hinterlands at Harbourfront Centre, the visible and the invisible at the Art Gallery of Windsor, and Display at MKG127. His work is in many public collections, among them the Canada Council Art Bank, the Mackenzie Art Gallery, the Mendel Art Gallery, the University of Saskatchewan, the University of Alberta, and the Bank of Montreal. Glabush is also an essayist and critic who contributes to publications such as Border Crossings and Canadian Art and has published a number of monographs on contemporary Canadian artists.