Untitled (bondage-chartreuse)

Huile sur toile, 2016

35,5 x 28 cm
Valeur estimée
4 700 $
Untitled (bondage-chartreuse) est tirée d’une série de peintures où l’artiste trace d’épais sillons sur la surface de la toile avec du gesso, avant d’appliquer les couleurs qui donneront forme à l’image. Chaque peinture est commencée sans esquisse, sans idée déterminée de l’image à venir. Les lignes ou les crevasses, premier élément ajouté au support dans le processus de Guérin, sont des éléments à part entière de la composition ; elles servent de contraintes créatives dont l’artiste doit tenir compte pour élaborer sa peinture.
Notice biographique
Magalie Guérin is a Montreal-born artist living in Chicago. She constructs the surfaces of her paintings with thick layers of gesso, creating abstract shapes that are then reorganized with oil colour in an intuitive manner clearly influenced by figurative and narrative strategies. The final images are very distinct from one another; the forms are unrecognizable yet feel familiar, and the history of their construction is visible through the paint layers. Guérin received her MFA from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago (SAIC) in 2011. She has had solo exhibitions at Anat Ebgi (Los Angeles), soon.tw (Montreal), Sector 2337 (Chicago), Lyles & King (New York), and Corbett vs. Dempsey (Chicago; Critics’ Pick in Artforum.com); and recent group exhibitions at DePaul Art Museum (Chicago), Elmhurst Art Museum (Elmhurst, Illinois), Nicelle Beauchene (New York), Brand New Gallery (Milan), and Rhona Hoffman (Chicago). Her work is in the collection of DePaul Art Museum. She is the author of NOTES ON, a compilation of studio writings (Chicago: The Green Lantern Press, 2016), and teaches painting and drawing at College of DuPage and SAIC. She will have a solo exhibition in January 2018 at Corbett vs. Dempsey.