People You May Know

Stylo bille et aquarelle sur papier aquarelle, 2019

84 x 89 cm
Valeur estimée
2 500 $
People You May Know est une peinture poétique qui explore les différents modes de la masculinité et focalise l’attention du spectateur sur l’idée du secret de Polichinelle, sur la tension entre le visible et l’invisible, ainsi que sur l’esthétique de la vie dans le placard.
Notice biographique
Ebrin Bagheri is an Iranian-Canadian visual artist currently living and working in Toronto. Working primarily in drawing and painting, he has been exploring issues pertinent to Middle Eastern culture and identity. He uses portraiture in particular to explore themes of masculinity and gender. In this work, he alludes to historical notions of pre-modern desire and gender norms that depart from current Western models. Bagheri has completed an MFA at York University and holds visual arts degrees from other Canadian institutions, including a BFA from OCAD University and an arts diploma from George Brown College.