Rubbing of a Drawing by Josef Albers

Fusain sur papier aquarelle, 2017

38 x 38 cm
5/5 (édition variable) + 2 E.A.
Valeur estimée
1 800 $
La technique du frottage a été employée ici pour « reproduire » un dessin original de Josef Albers. Les frottages au fusain sont généralement exécutés sur des surfaces portant des marques en relief (plaques ou tombes, notamment) ; ils sont souvent faits en signe de respect ou de commémoration. Le dessin de Josef Albers utilisé ici possède très peu de relief ou de texture, et sa transposition en un rectangle foncé ne transmet absolument rien de l’image originale. Les nuances que l’on voit dans le fusain sont produites par la main de Sasaki plutôt que par celle d’Albers ; entre hommage et effacement, la ligne est incertaine.
Notice biographique
Jon Sasaki is a Toronto-based multidisciplinary artist whose practice brings performance, video, object, and installation into a framework in which expectation and outcome never align, generating simultaneous senses of pathos and levity. He employs reason-based approaches reminiscent of conceptual art as he investigates romantic subjects; in this juxtaposition, he creates humorous, self-exhausting systems caught in cycles of trial and error. He has had solo exhibitions at the Ottawa Art Gallery, the Southern Alberta Art Gallery (Lethbridge), and the Art Gallery of Ontario (Toronto), and a 2015 performance project at MOCAD (Detroit). His work has been in group exhibitions at the National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art (Seoul), Platform Art Spaces (Melbourne), and the Museum of Contemporary Canadian Art (Toronto). He recently completed public-art commissions for Sheridan College (Oakville, ON) and the City of Barrie, Ontario. Along with collaborator Jennifer Davis, he received the 2017 Concepts award from the Ontario Association of Architects for a forthcoming commission. He was the recipient of the 2015 Canadian Glenfiddich Artists in Residence Prize (Dufftown, Scotland). He holds a BFA from Mount Allison University (Sackville, NB).