Aftermath of the Kenow Fire, Waterton Lakes National Park

Impression à jet d'encre montée sur Dibond, 2019

102 x 127 cm,
édition de 3
Valeur estimée
3 000 $
Produite un an après l’incendie dévastateur de Kenow, dans le Parc national des Lacs-Waterton, cette image appartient au corpus récent de Rutkauskas, intitulé After the Fire. Les incendies, même si on peut attribuer l’augmentation de leur fréquence et de leur gravité aux dérèglements climatiques, n’en constituent pas moins un phénomène naturel de rajeunissement de la forêt. After the Fire cherche à tempérer le caractère destructeur du feu par un optimisme complexe.
Notice biographique
Andreas Rutkauskas was born in Winnipeg (Treaty 1 Territory). He currently resides on the traditional unceded territory of the Syilx (Kelowna), where he is a lecturer at the University of British Columbia’s Okanagan campus. His projects involve photography and video, often focusing on landscapes that have undergone changes due to a range of technologies; examples include surveillance along the Canada/U.S. border, cycles of industrialization and deindustrialization in Canada’s oil patch, and most recently, the aftermath and regeneration following wildfires in Western Canada. Rutkauskas was the inaugural recipient of a residency at the Grantham Foundation for the Arts and the Environment in 2020. In 2018, he was a Research Fellow with the Canadian Photography Institute, and he was a finalist for the Gabriele Basilico International Prize in Architecture and Landscape in 2016. His work has been exhibited in public art galleries and museums across Canada, as well as internationally. Rutkauskas’s work is held in private and public collections, including the Canadian War Museum and the Judith & Norman Alix Art Gallery.