
Polyester slip, wool skirt, white polyester blouse, tin can, 2024

10 × 12 × 8 cm
Valeur estimée
1 300 $

Bea Fremderman vide les boites de conserve de leur contenu comestible – des produits de poisson ou de poulet – pour créer des assemblages à partir de fragments de vêtements, d’accessoires et d’articles de mercerie qui ressemblent à des portraits de personnages tissés à la main.

Notice biographique

Bea Fremderman is a New York-based visual artist. She received her BFA from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago in 2012. Her current research centres around feelings of global dread. Recent solo exhibitions include Weeds Compared to Flowers, John Michael Kohler Arts Center (Sheboygan); Stranger Man, Atlanta Contemporary (New York); How to Do Nothing with Nobody All Alone by Yourself, Shoot The Lobster (New York); Barren Island, Prairie (Chicago); and Office Space, Yerba Buena Center for the Arts (San Francisco). Select group exhibitions include Gallery 12.26 (Dallas); Morán Morán (Los Angeles); Museum of Contemporary Art (Chicago); and Arsenal Contemporary Art, april april, and The New Museum (New York).