
Watercolour on paper, 2024

22 × 30 cm
Valeur estimée
1 000 $

Dans les peintures à l’aquarelle de Shawn Kuruneru, les formes flottent dans toutes les directions, créant ainsi une expérience à plusieurs perspectives inspirée par la peinture de paysage chinoise du 10e siècle – un point d’ancrage, pour l’artiste, à son propre héritage chinois.

Notice biographique

Drawing on the 10th century Chinese “floating perspective” painting philosophy (a kind of multi-perspective precursor to Cubism), Expressionist woodblock prints, and the New York School of Ab-ex, Shawn Kuruneru’s paintings bridge the East-West dichotomy in ways both personal and aesthetic, subtle and literal.

Kuruneru received his BFA from Concordia University, Montréal. His work is in the collections of the Portland Museum of Art, the National Gallery of Canada Library Collection (Toronto), the Metropolitan Museum of Art and Thomas J. Watson Library (New York), and CELINE (Paris). Kuruneru currently lives in Montréal.