
Archival inkjet print, 2021

40,6 × 50,8 cm
Edition 1/5 + 2 AP
Valeur estimée
2 700 $

Un après-midi de fin d’été passé à l’atelier, le temps qui se fait patience, les éléments d’une pratique – un objet de verre, une coquille d’huitre laissée dehors tout l’hiver, une feuille, quelques motifs de lumière.

Notice biographique

Celia Perrin Sidarous is an image-based artist living and working in Montréal. Her artworks present assemblages and arrangements, following a logic that is at once internal and associative. Her photographs offer a considered way of looking at collected objects and images within the visual rhetoric of the studio.

Perrin Sidarous’s works have been featured in numerous solo and collective exhibitions in Canada and abroad: Foreman Art Gallery (Lennoxville); McCord Stewart Museum and Centre Clark (Montréal); Embassy of Canada Prince Takamado Gallery (Tokyo); Norsk Billedhoggerforening (Oslo); CONTACT Photography Festival (Toronto); FOCUS Photography Festival (Mumbai); Esker Foundation (Calgary); Dunlop Art Gallery (Regina); and the Banff Centre. She was one the five recipients of the Prix en art actuel MNBAQ 2023. She was longlisted for the Sobey Art Award in 2019 and the recipient of the Prix Pierre-Ayot 2017 and the Barbara Spohr Memorial Award 2011.