L’homme à l’aise

Chaise de jardin récupérée, toile, peinture acrylique, velours, frange, fil, 2020

58,42 x 101,6 x 96,52 cm
A lawn chair coated in a delicate candy-pink hue featuring an embroidered image of a relaxed man on its fabric seat. The negative space portrays hands covering his face and extending over his body, suggesting they could belong to "others" taking parts away or represent self-inflicted loss. The man holds a daffodil, symbolizing rebirth and new beginnings.
Notice biographique

My conceptual exploration revolves around the interplay of desire and vulnerability. Drawing from my background in textiles and my upbringing as a painter/drawer, my practice spans various disciplines, including fiber and textile techniques, sculpture, performance, and digital animation. At the core of each artwork lies a network of drawn imagery. The symbolic language predominantly employs humor and iconography. It is direct yet animated, friendly and accessible, while still carrying political and cultural references. The use of playful and vibrant colors subtly challenges uncomfortable experiences or personal opinions, akin to the effect of pop music. By experimenting with the body as both a medium to conceal or distort and a reference point, I can depict the dual nature of human behavior. Through the portrayal of disembodied limbs in intriguing yet captivating ways, emotional interactions can be conveyed without directly representing the body. With installation, the body can be alluded to and manipulated through the incorporation of interactive elements and the creation of spatial environments that invite bodily presence. 

Without the pursuit of desires, one cannot become vulnerable, and without vulnerability, there is no opportunity to connect and share.