of breaking, of rooting, of uprooting (blue palo verde, monzogranite pebbles)

Acrylic on canvas, 2017

76,02 x 76,2 cm
$2 600
This work was created as part of a series of works presented in Marigold Santos’s solo exhibition in this drought, flood my hollow heart, organized by Galerie D’Este in Montréal in 2018. This work and others in the series continue Santos’s ongoing examination of the theme of empowered selfhoods. Geological forms and foliage remnants become characters within surreal landscapes, activated by the artist to embrace fragmentation and multiplicity of personal identity as informed by lived experience and impressed upon real or imagined landscapes.
Biographical note
Marigold Santos was born in the Philippines in 1981. She holds a BFA with honours from the University of Calgary and an MFA from Concordia University in Montréal. In her multidisciplinary practice, she traverses drawing, printmaking, sculpture, animation, ceramics, and sound, questioning and exploring issues of identity and the construction of personal myth. Santos participated in numerous solo and group exhibitions across Canada and internationally. In 2019, she had solo exhibitions: Marigold Santos: Surface Tether at the Art Gallery of Alberta and malaginto at Montréal, arts interculturels (MAI). She has participated in the Alberta Biennial and Art Toronto in 2017, several recent editions of the Papier art fair, and Soft exhibition at the Superchief Gallery (Los Angeles) in 2016. Santos was a finalist in the prestigious Claudine and Stephen Bronfman Fellowship in Contemporary Art in 2012 and has been the recipient of several prizes and grants from the Canada Council for the Arts and the Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec.