
Pigmented Blanc de Meudon and acrylic base on jute canvas, 2019

71 x 71 cm
$5 500
The embrace A square of red canvas wraps around a square of blue canvas. A frame drawn onto the canvas. A border is woven. A divide between material and spirit.
Biographical note
Marie-Claire Blais studied architecture at the Université de Montréal before devoting herself to visual art. She uses various techniques to explore diverse experiences of movement through space and is interested in the perceptions that emanate from these encounters in the memory. Her work has been presented in Canada and internationally in solo exhibitions at the Fondation Guido Molinari (Montréal, 2021), the McMichael Canadian Art Collection (Kleinburg, 2019), and the Canadian Cultural Centre (Paris, 2017). Her works are in numerous private, corporate, and institutional collections, including the Musée d’art contemporain de Montréal, Desjardins, Hydro-Québec, the Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec, and the National Bank of Canada.