Smog Party #6

Mousse polyuréthane expansive, peinture aérosol, paille, support de plexiglas et bois, 2019

17.78 x 12.7 x 10.16 cm
This series of sculptures makes visible what seems to have become invisible over time, not to the naked eye but in our unconscious. I use expanding foam, symbolizing atmospheric pollution, which has been part of our daily lives since the industrial revolution. Often victims of our own paradoxes, we isolate our individual living environments while exposing our shared home to serious collateral damage: on one hand, construction and deconstruction, and on the other hand, an increasingly precarious habitat.
Biographical note
I work with materials that have atypical plasticity. This constraint, deliberately sought after, allows room for chance in my creative process. My works refer to events that generally have anecdotal consequences on a collective scale, but through individual experience, they reveal the profound toxicity of human action on the environment, if not directly on oneself. In stripped-down settings, I imagine a dialogue with opposing archetypes. Each piece is designed as a contradiction, with a moral that oscillates between tragic and comedic, leaving it to each person to find the shades of gray in this dark-tinted humor.