L’homme accroché

Acrylique et pigment phosphorescent sur toile, 2009

40.64 x 40.64 cm

Beneath the complexion of the delicate surfaces of this series are hidden evocative portraits, imperceptible in daylight. The images which are revealed in darkness come essentially from pornographic sites. These are intentionally cropped so as to keep their essence, and conceal the evidence. 

I try to create portraits that would evoke pleasure, ecstasy, suffering or pain, depending on the interpretation of the viewers.

Biographical note
For many years, the phenomenon of phosphorescence has occupied a central place in my art process. My works, which initially relate to a minimalist aesthetic, further react with the environment, according to the ambient light. Thus, as ambient light recedes, images are gradually revealed within the material. In darkness, actual objects disappear and leave room only to light interventions, immaterial and elusive. This unique property allows me to explore subjects that are both complex and delicate like modesty, ubiquity, unspoken and intimacy. But beyond the promise of a luminous revelation, it is the subtle process of transformation in time that attracts me.