Pluto Study i

Huile sur toile, 2018

22.86 x 30.48 cm
In this work, I was trying to learn the characteristics of the astrological elements by placing symbols drawn on paper around my apartment. I would then spend days just sitting in front of the scene and painting it on canvas. In this specific one, Pluto, one of the oldest astral body in our solar system, is placed in the entrance of a dark closet therefore speaking about its very mysterious and ethereal presence. It is the furthest away from earth so it is very hard for astrologers and astronomers to study it which helps it to keep its mystifying aura.
Biographical note
My artistic journey has transformed my life in many ways. Beginning with my very first body of work, “Inner, Outer Worlds,” I watched as my art, life, and spirituality progressively merged to match my evolving consciousness. Certain connotations relating to Eastern and Western mysticism, as well as the esoteric side of nature in my work, explores how humans are symbolic reflections of the astral realm. This curation of thought grants me access to portray my transformation to my viewers intimately and viscerally, encouraging their spiritual journey. Each of my projects has a unique and thorough phase of preparation. In the beginning, I use numerous divinatory tools such as tarot, numerology, and astrology to guide my intention. My goal is to create art that benefits my spiritual development as well as fosters inspiration in others. In this regard, it is a kind of spiritual art therapy. I know I've created a piece that holds true to my intention when an art piece triggers a series of synchronicities as a collateral effect of its creation. This concept is an important one for spiritual growth and is at the core of many Buddhist teachings With every show, I wish to create a meditative experience for my viewers. They must occupy the entire space, circumambulating the gallery as a sort of practice in mindfulness, while taking in certain aspects of sound and smell connecting to the "bigger picture" of the work.