Mes jambes

Photographie, impression au jet d’encre sur papier Epson Hot press Natural, 2020

43.18 x 55.88 cm, with margin
Edition of 10
Biographical note
Maude Arsenault’s artistic practice unfolds like a contraction of her relationship to the photographic, meaning a deconstruction of the representation of women in photography. She reflects through a subjective gaze on the female body-spaces and the body-space relationships. Her work surrounds the themes of feminine representation, private space, domesticity and intimacy, based on the prism of the camera and a practice that vacillates between abstract compositions, textuality, portraits and documentary images. Maude Arsenault is currently pursuing a master’s degree in visual and media arts at Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM) and is the recipient of the Bourse du Centre des Femmes de l’UQAM (2020) and the 2021 Yvonne L. Bombardier Visual Arts Scholarship.