Patrick Masbourian
Patrick Masbourian has spent most of his life in front of, behind, above, or below a camera or microphone. A creative rebel, he’s been seen flaunting his stuff with exotic dancers in La course Europe-Asie 1990-1991, dancing half nude in La fin du monde est à 7 heures, playing “wannabe Herby” in Flash, and delving into the perplexing world of gadgets in La revanche des nerdZ. Now at ICI Radio-Canada Première, Patrick spends his time interviewing others in his role as radio host of the show Les éclaireurs, on week nights at 7 p.m.
Over the years, Patrick has also developed a keen personal interest in the visual arts. His contemporary art collection includes works by renowned Quebec artists such as BGL, Mathieu Beauséjour, Gwenaël Bélanger, Michel de Broin, Cooke-Sasseville, Emmanuelle Léonard, and Yannick Pouliot, to name a few.
Photo : © Jean Bernier - Radio-canada