Group of Seven Awkward Moments (Lake and Mountains with Double-double)

Colour photograph, 2008

76 x 53,5 cm
Edition of 20
$2 900
This staged depiction whose background is the oil on canvas work Lake and Mountains by Lawren S. Harris (1927-28) simultaneously calls up Canadian popular culture through the emblematic “double double,” a Tim Horton’s coffee with a double portion of cream and sugar, and the sometimes equivocal image that Canada has overseas, notably due to the very controversial seal hunt. Deadpan, the artist invites the viewer to wonder what lies outside the frame: is the shooting figure a seal hunter or a member of PETA?
Biographical note
Diana Thorneycroft is a Winnipeg artist who has exhibited various bodies of work across Canada, the United States and Europe, as well as in Moscow, Tokyo and Sydney. Her work has been the subject of national radio documentaries and a CBC national documentary for television. Canadian Art magazine selected her most recent body of work Group of Seven Awkward Moments as one of the “Top 10 Exhibitions of 2008.” Her works are present in numerous public collections, including Agnes Etherington Art Gallery (Kitchener); Art Gallery of Nova Scotia (Halifax); Art Gallery of Southwestern Manitoba (Brandon); Canada Council Art Bank (Ottawa); Canadian Museum of Contemporary Photography (Ottawa); Gallery 1.1.1, University of Manitoba (Winnipeg); Manitoba Printmakers Association (Winnipeg); Rosizo, Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, State Museum and Exhibition Centre (Moscow); The Nickel Arts Museum (Calgary); The Winnipeg Art Gallery (Winnipeg); Toronto Photographers Workshop; Vancouver Art Gallery; University of Winnipeg.