
Inkjet print, 2014

96,52 x 121,92 cm
$3 200
Onion presents a metaphoric image of woven layers of onion to communicate a state of loss. It expresses the condition of loss through the futile gesture of weaving an onion back together from the core to the outer layers. The work was conceived as the artist was mourning the loss of a place and memories that are attached to it.
Biographical note
Jinyoung Kim is an interdisciplinary artist who uses time-based media to create her works. Her photographs and videos combine documentary and fiction in order to form metaphoric narratives that deal with questions of identity, a sense of belonging, and the relationship between place and self-perception. Most recently, she has exhibited at Gallery 101 (Ottawa), VU Photo (Quebec), Leonard & Bina Ellen Art Gallery, and FOFA Gallery (Montreal). Her work is in the Ville de Montréal art collection. She earned her BFA from OCAD University in Toronto and her MFA from Concordia University in Montreal.