
Inkjet print, mat, 2022

51 x 63.5 cm
$1 650
On a foggy October evening, I document my harvest, which has become my subject in this field, a theatre that comes back to life thanks to my gardening interventions. Tout t’empêche, the current project, born from a reflection on the pressure to create and on the fact that my refuge (the country) has now become my main residence: what is it still holds me back? The shape at the centre of the image is a piece of paper packaging for 120 mm film that became detached and floated between the lens and the film for an entire roll. And I’m already holding myself back much less.
Biographical note
Sara A. Tremblay gathers and documents objects, ephemeral actions, interventions, transformations, and moments, through still images, videos, and performances. By adopting a spontaneous approach to territory and image, she leaves traces and discovers new connections among things. Tremblay’s works have been presented in Québec and Ontario, as well as in Själsö, Gotland, Sweden, where she spent summer 2013 for a Brucebo Fine Art Summer Residency Scholarship. In 2014, she participated in the 32nd Symposium international d’art contemporain de Baie-Saint-Paul; also that year, she was the first recipient of the Bourse d’études supérieures en arts visuels Yvonne-L.-Bombardier. In 2016, she published the book Själsö (VU, Quebec City); in 2019, the chapbook Parmi (Éditions Paris-Brest, Nantes). In 2016, she walked the 650 km of the Sentier international des Appalaches and presented the result of her research at the Rencontres internationales de la photographie, in Gaspésie, and at the Rencontre photographique du Kamouraska. In spring 2020, she founded Les Encans de la quarantaine, an initiative aimed at promoting visual artists’ work in Canada by virtual means. She lives in Orford, Quebec.