Anne-Claude Bacon

Anne-Claude Bacon holds a master’s in art history and museology from the Université de Montréal. She was the director of the Jacob-William Collection (TOHU) before becoming curator of the Hydro-Québec Art Collection in 2004. President of Les éditions esse, she also sits on the board of directors of OPTICA and is a member of the selection committee for the Hôpital Maisonneuve-Rosemont Foundation’s art collection.
Julie Bélisle

Julie Bélisle has worked at Galerie de l’UQAM since 2004 in research and mediation. She holds a master’s in museology and is currently completing her doctoral thesis in art history. She is also an independent curator. Notable projects include The Painting Project. A Snapshot of Painting in Canada, in collaboration with Louise Déry (Galerie de l’UQAM, 2013); Contrainte / Restraint, a collective exhibition of Brazilian and Peruvian artists presented by Molior (Oboro, Montréal, 2009; SESC Pinheiros, São Paulo, 2010); La mécanique de l’objet (Perte de Signal / co-curated with Arianne de Blois, 2011-12), and Éclats de Rome, focusing on the work of Monique Régimbald-Zeiber (La Nube di Oort, Rome, 2008). She has published texts on several Quebec artists, sat on various committees including the board of directors of Les éditions esse, and lectures at Université du Québec en Outaouais. Since July 2014, she has taken on the role of artistic director at Spirale magazine.
Caroline Ohrt

Caroline Ohrt has held the reins of her own private collections management company since 2011. With a background in art history (BA and MA) and cultural enterprise management (HEC), she works with clients wishing to acquire contemporary art works. She forged her experience at Galerie Graff as well as in the conservation department of the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, where she contributed to the exhibitions Cosmos. From Romanticism to the Avant-Garde and Tiffany Glass. A Passion for Colour. She is also involved in the contemporary dance milieu as a member of the board of directors of Danse Danse.
Andréanne Roy

Art historian and museologist Andréanne Roy has held various positions in museums, artist-run centres, and private galleries, and currently works as an independent curator and author. She has curated numerous notable exhibitions, including Mathieu Beauséjour. La révolte de l’imagination, Riopelle à Saint-Fabien-sur-mer et David Lafrance. Ouvert la nuit, presented at the Musée régional de Rimouski; Marc Séguin. La foi du collectionneur, a touring exhibition produced by the Musée d’art contemporain des Laurentides; and Tourner autour, which she co-curated for Galerie Simon Blais. She is currently pursuing her doctoral studies at Université de Montréal, focussing on the interpenetration of institutional and commercial segments in Quebec’s contemporary art market.
Sylvette Babin

Sylvette Babin holds a master’s in open media from Concordia University. She has been the director and editor of esse arts + opinions since 2002, while continuing her practice as a performance artist. She has participated in numerous artistic events in Canada, Europe, Asia, and Latin America. Her writings have been published in magazines, catalogues, and artist books, and she has curated several events, including Les Convertibles produced by Culture pour tous (2006), Infraction 08 (Sète, France, 2008), and Il Nostro Gusto (Triennale Orange, Saint-Hyacinthe, 2009). From 2008 to 2010, she taught art and urban theatre at Collège Shawinigan and currently teaches visual arts at Cégep de Saint-Hyacinthe.