En pièces (8)

Oil on canvas, 2010

122 x 122 cm
$2 250
This series of paintings depicts closed, schematized spaces: kinds of corridors, rooms and interior courtyards in which something appears to have happened. These ambiguous places seem to be the result of both fragmentation and tension between several universes. They appear to contain the traces and remains of past events, the nature of which remains uncertain.
Biographical note
Alexis Lavoie was born in Montreal in 1980 and holds a Bachelor’s in Visual Arts from UQAM. In 2010, he won the RBC Canadian Painting Competition. His work can be found in several collections, including those of Loto‑Québec, Toronto Dominion, and the Royal Bank of Canada. His painting bears witness to apparently traumatic and harrowing human experiences, whose emotional impact and psychological traces form the focus of his work. Isolation, solitude, artificiality, violence, threats, infancy, and the quest for happiness are recurrent themes in his work. His paintings often evoke an atmosphere rather than portraying a concrete event. Lavoie’s aesthetic stage is a place of action and co-existence between the narrative of violence, in all its horror, and the pictorial expression of an ideal of beauty and the sublime.