Mature Trees Have Deep Fissures and Cracks

Organic and synthetic matter, including recycled cardboard & paper, vegetal powder, resin, bioplastic experiments, concrete, expanding foam, bronze, stone, 2022-2024

38 × 46 × 82 cm
$2 100

Erect and reaching, topped by a bronze bespoke screw, Mature Trees Have Deep Fissures and Cracks is a two-part sculpture, with each part supporting the other. Made from a myriad of materials from Del Rosario’s daily life, bioplastic experiments, and deconstructed old works, this piece speaks of deep time and everyday moments.

Biographical note

Kuh Del Rosario is based in Tiohtiá:ke/Montréal. Attuning with everyday materials, her practice is driven by a desire for grounding within the environment that she takes part in.

She has received support from the Peter N. Thompson Family Graduate Scholarship, the Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec, the Canada Council for the Arts, Fonderie Darling sponsored by the Romany Eveleigh’s gift, and the Claudine & Stephen Bronfman Fellowship.

Del Rosario recently exhibited at SKOL, Centre Clark, and Maison de la Culture Monkland. Upcoming group exhibitions will take place at the Art Gallery of Grande Prairie and Fonderie Darling, and a solo show at Galerie B-312 in Montréal.