Bazaar nude, photographe inconnu, Athènes

Photograph, inkjet print on cotton paper, 2015-2020

50,8 x 38,1 cm
1/5 (+ 2 É.A.)
$2 250
The image of an image—a female nude photographed from the back; the photographer is unknown to the artist. The image, framed and set on a bedside table, was found at the Monastiráki flea market, in the heart of Athens, Greece, in 2015.
Biographical note
Celia Perrin Sidarous (b. 1982) is an image artist who lives in Montréal. Her works have been in numerous solo and group exhibitions, including at the McCord Museum and Centre Clark (Montréal), Embassy of Canada Prince Takamado Gallery (Tokyo), Norsk Billedhoggerforening (Oslo), the Contact Photography Festival (Toronto), the Focus Photography Festival (Mumbai), 8-11 (Toronto), Arsenal Contemporary (New York), the Esker Foundation (Calgary), the Dunlop Art Gallery (Regina), the Banff Centre, WWTWO (Montréal), VU (Québec City), and Gallery 44 (Toronto). Her work was in the Biennale de Montréal 2016 – Le Grand Balcon, at the Musée d’art contemporain de Montréal. In 2019, she was selected for the Sobey Art Award. She was the recipient of the Prix Pierre-Ayot in 2017 and the Barbara Spohr Memorial Award in 2011. Her works are in public and private collections, including the Art Gallery of Ontario and the Musée d’art contemporain de Montréal.