Archéologie du présent
Temps sombre

Intervention in situ, découpe et feuille d’argent, 2018

Dimensions variables

I offer to make an in situ intervention at the place of your choice, which will follow my Temps sombre exhibition at Plein sud in 2018. I will make a drawing with small incisions in the form of pixels, colors and silver leaves, which will highlight an archeology of the present time.

Biographical note

My research covers topics such as memory, rituals, transience and permanence. I explore the role of the sacred, silence and slowness, in a world that’s increasingly fast-paced and technology oriented. Loss and times of mourning stops this accelerating trend that interferes in our lives, since important things are never done quickly. The philosophical literature is often a source of creation. My in situ interventions are within the unpredictable and the imperfection, while the present world seems to want more control on things and beings.