
Crayon couleur sur papier marouflé sur panneau en bois, 2020

27.94 x 38.1 cm

The artwork is inspired by a detail from the Transformers arcade game at Cineplex Laval cinema. The structure of the arcade is positioned to suggest a robot-like character. In this artwork, the artist is interested in the ambiguity of forms within a preexisting space and how these forms guide our imagination to create new fictional narratives.

Biographical note
Petro Psillos is a visual artist who focuses on the abstraction of the architectural space of Cineplex Laval cinema. He pays attention to subtle details of the architecture, often considered mundane by many, granting them a singular value. Furthermore, he explores different institutions where one can easily feel isolated, despite them being constantly frequented and abundant. By highlighting the details of an empty cinema that is typically occupied by crowds, the artist aims to capture the strangeness of these spaces and confront them with the viewer.