Perquisition, rue Malicorne, Anjou

Inkjet print, 2007

75 x 50 cm
Artist proof
$1 800
Perquisition, rue Malicorne, Anjou, drawn from “Une sale affaire” (“dirty business”), ­allows us to experience those moments of an ­investigation in which the brutality of the event is matched only by the banality of the documents it engenders. Equipped with a ­portable radio, Léonard listens in on police chatter, waiting for the emergency call. On TV, on the Internet, in the press, she watches out for news reports, follows press photographers to capture the event—an accident, a search, a shoot-out, a drowning.
Biographical note
Emmanuelle Léonard holds a graduate degree from the Université du Québec à Montréal and a BA from Concordia University. For some fifteen years, Léonard has developed strategies to represent public space. Using photographic traditions and applications she designs specific production methods for her projects, which range from documentary to conceptual photography. This versatile use of the medium and of video provides tactics to infiltrate the world of work (Les travailleurs, 2002), to shadow a solitary walker (Les marcheurs, 2004), to pursue a security guard (Guardia Resguardeme, 2005) or hound down a sordid news item to capture an event (Une sale affaire, 2007). She is currently interested in police photography and its constantly redefined methodology. Léonard has participated in many solo and group exhibitions, among others at the Musée d'art contemporain de Montréal, Kunsthaus Dresden, Neuer Berliner Kunstverein (Berlin), Optica, Clark and Occurrence galleries, Mercer Union (Toronto), Casa Vallarta (Guadalajara), Galerie Glassbox (Paris), VOX, centre de l’image contemporaine (Montréal), Mois de la Photo à Montréal, Galerie Plein Sud (Longueuil), Centre VU (Quebec City). In 2003, she undertook a residency at the Villa Arson (Nice). In 2006, she was an artist in residence at the Christoph Merian foundation in Basel. In 2009, she will be in residence in Helsinki as part of a collaboration between the Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec and the Finnish Artist in Residency Foundation. She has upcoming shows at L’Œil de Poisson (Quebec City) and at Expression (Saint-Hyacinthe). She was awarded the Pierre-Ayot prize in 2005. Represented by Galerie Donald Browne, Montréal