Sans titre

C-print, 2009

76,2 x 101,6 cm
Edition 2/5
$1 400
The work presented belongs to a series entitled En fonction de la forme, which was exhibited at Optica in November 2009, and as part of a travelling exhibition entitled reGénération2. This corpus reveals trivial objects photographed in their original packaging, without any modifications or digital manipulation. Hidden behind the pictorial traits of this painting lies a fundamentally photographic exploration which evades a direct rapport with the referent. The origin of these images is inherently ambiguous, so one can linger on the motifs, their repeated variations, saturated colour, texture, shadow, and light.
Biographical note
Jacinthe Lessard-L. holds a Master’s in Fine Arts from Concordia University. She explores the generic aesthetics of habitable space, and the interstices between the normative and the individual, through works often reminiscent of the pictorial forms of modernity. Her projects question the nature of photography, its historic role, its so-called transparency, and its rapport with the referent; what she captures with her camera is often the invention of another medium. Her works have been exhibited in Quebec, Toronto, Nancy, Gothenburg, Glasgow, and recently at the Musée de L’Élysée in Lausanne as part of the 2011 international travelling exhibition reGénération2: Tomorrow’s Photographers Today, which is also the subject of a publication of the same name published by Thames and Hudson. Her work is included in the collections of the Musée de l’Élysée in Lausanne and the Katrine Harries Print Cabinet, South Africa, and is distributed by the Aperture Foundation.