Le dessin des jours 1

Acrylic and watercolor on paper, 2009

62 x 76 cm
$1 200
This series of drawings entitled Le dessin des jours echoes the series of sculptures La forme des jours. The eight drawings in the series, characterized by signs and marks born of modernity, propose mental landscapes, drawing on both an invented geometry and detached organicity.
Biographical note
Serge Murphy lives and works in Montreal. For nearly 30 years, he has created sculptures, drawings, and narrative videos, and occasionally takes on the role of critic and curator. His work is inspired by different sources, from the silken remains of Arte Povera to the unrestrained assemblages and associations of Surrealism. The artist’s works present a constantly shifting imaginary, wide open to free interpretation. The primitive, material aspect of his work is in constant dialogue with a conceptual discourse set around referents both common­place and noble. His works have been acquired by most of Quebec’s public collections. In 2007, he was awarded the Prix Ozias-Leduc by the Fondation Émile-Nelligan. His last solo exhibition, La forme des jours, was held at the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts in the summer and fall of 2011.