Ferias II

Mixed media drawing, 2007

106 x 310 cm
$6 500
Osvaldo Ramirez ­Castillo’s work depicts an allegorical narrative of historical, cultural, and personal experience through the use of drawing as his departure point of exploration. Drawing on his cultural tradition of storytelling, he employs personal iconography in allegorical form to explore El Salvador’s collective memory of Latin American myth, history, and North American popular culture. Ferias II explores the possibilities of narrative and the significance of drawing as a personal act of revision. Using the structural framework of an extreme carnival, this work delves into the violence visited on the body through the historical, cultural, and political layers that shape it in time.
Biographical note
Osvaldo Ramirez Castillo attended the Ontario College of Art and Design and earned his MFA at Concordia University. He has exhibited at the Print Center (New York), Kuma Galerie (Berlin), Galerie PUSH (Montreal), and the Southern Alberta Art Gallery. His work is in the collections of the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, la Peau de l’Ours, Battat Contemporary, in Montreal, and in private collections across Canada and internationally. Ramirez Castillo has been awarded grants from the Canada Council for the Arts, le Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec, and the Pollock-Krasner Foundation.