Nude with Paper Lanterns

Casein on wood, 2010

28 x 30 cm
$2 200
The idea of using paper lanterns as part of the subject matter for Nude with Paper Lanterns came from Yves Tessier’s visit to the Noguchi Museum in Long Island City, Queens, New York. There was a beautiful room filled with handmade lanterns all lit up and in an incredible variety of shapes and sizes. They felt like beings from another planet. Tessier worked from the illustrations in the exhibition’s leaflet and painted the back wall bright red to make the paper lanterns appear to be lit.
Biographical note
Originally from Montreal, Yves Tessier has been living and working in Harlem, New York, since 2001. He began exhibiting his work in 1976 and has participated in group shows at the University of  Toronto Art Centre, Articule (Montreal), the Centre Clark (Montreal), the Art Gallery of Hamilton, and the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts. Tessier has had solo exhibitions in Montreal at Skol, Optica, Projex-MTL Gallery, and Laroche/Joncas Gallery.