Factors Influencing a Manufacturing Unit’s Productivity at a Factory

Bamboo, string, ink, 2016

24 x 28 x 10,6 cm
$2 700
Factors Influencing a Manufacturing Unit’s Productivity at a Factory (2016) is part of a series of small sculptures that materialize graphical representations concerning human productivity from the mid-nineteenth century to the present in a wide range of disciplines, including work science, scientific management, economics, and psychology. Some of the diagrams characterize early-twentieth-century attempts to visualize the movement of working bodies to improve factory processes, whereas others present data concerning the impact of a number of technological, psychological, and organizational factors on efficiency.
Biographical note
Richard Ibghy & Marilou Lemmens work at the intersection of visual and performance art. Spanning multiple media, their practice explores the material, affective, and sensory dimensions of experience that cannot be fully translated into signs or systems. This investigation is fuelled by a critique of the rationale upon which economic actions are described and represented, and how economic logic has come to infiltrate the most intimate aspects of life. Their work has been shown at the 13th Bienal de Cuenca (Ecuador, 2016), Manifesta 11, Parallel Event (Zurich, 2016); the 14th Istanbul Biennial (Istanbul, 2015), La Biennale de Montreal (2014), the 27th Images Festival (Toronto, 2014), Manif d’art 7: Quebec City Biennial (2014), La Filature, Scène Nationale (Mulhouse, France, 2013–14); Henie Onstad Kunstsenter (Høvikodden, Norway, 2013), Centre for Contemporary Arts (Glasgow, 2012), and the 10th Sharjah Biennial (UAE, 2011). Recent solo exhibitions include YYZ (Toronto, 2016), Leonard & Bina Ellen Art Gallery (Montreal, 2016), VOX, Centre de l’image contemporaine (Montreal, 2014), Trinity Square Video (Toronto, 2014), Monte Vista Projects (Los Angeles, 2012), and G Gallery (Toronto, 2012).