
Ink on paper, 2019

39 x 49 cm
$1 000
This work is part of a series of ink drawings based on Google Earth screenshots. It depicts a view from “inside” the Ville-Marie Expressway just east of the Turcot Interchange. Zooming in too close to the floating expressway in Google Earth reveals a fractured and splintered image. A network of 3D modeling contours brings to mind the tangles of rebar and concrete rubble that are ubiquitous alongside the actual expressway. Using a spectrum of ink washes, Shane re-creates this digital version of urban precarity.
Biographical note
Matt Shane was born in Vancouver in 1981. He makes paintings, drawings, and room-sized collaborative installations that are anchored in the realm of landscape. His pictorial worlds follow a Romantic lineage but arrive on mercurial ground, at the border of perception and fantasy. Shane holds a BFA from the University of Victoria and an MFA from Concordia University (2013). He has received numerous grants and awards and has co-organized 20 collaborative drawing installations with his best friend, Jim Holyoak. His work has recently been shown at the Midlands Arts Centre Birmingham and the Musée national des beaux-arts du Québec. A new exhibition of collaborative works will open in October at the Museum of Drawings (Teckningsmuseet) in Sweden. Shane’s work is in the collections of the Musée d’art contemporain de Montréal, Desjardins, Bank of Montreal, and many others. He teaches drawing and painting at Dawson College and Concordia University.