charm for the remainder (2)

Flowers, wire, altered coin, hardware, solder, synthetic rubber, acrylic UV varnish, 2022

6,4 × 28,6 × 10,8 cm

charm for the remainder (2) is made using fresh-cut flowers that have been massaged and saturated with synthetic rubber to distort and expand their already heightened state of fleeting mortality. Composed in intimate arrangements with train-pressed coins and twisted wire, the flower’s vibrant communicative and symbolic value is held in potent indeterminacy.

Biographical note

Jenine Marsh is an artist who uses sculpture and installation to explore illicit and intimate responses to the shared conditions of late-stage capitalism. Marsh’s work has been exhibited at the Morris and Helen Belkin Gallery (Vancouver); Prairie (Chicago); Ashley (Berlin); Cooper Cole (Toronto); Joe Project (Montréal); Gianni Manhattan (Vienna); Union Pacific (London); Night Gallery (Los Angeles); Essex Flowers (New York); Palais de Tokyo (Paris); Franz Kaka (Toronto); and Lulu (Mexico City). Marsh lives and works in Toronto.