Meditation (k)

Watercolour on paper, 2016

50,5 x 60 cm
$2 250
Meditation (k) is one of the mandala-like watercolour paintings from the series Twelve Hearts. Each piece was created by repeating one of the quintessential forms produced by the childhood toy Spirograph, four circles with a heart-shaped centre drawn twelve times. The washes of colour were applied while meditating on someone close to me. Meditation (k) was developed while I was caring for a friend during her illness. The artwork is a symbol of universal love.
Biographical note
Robbin Deyo was born and raised in the Lower Mainland of British Columbia and has lived and worked in Montréal for over twenty years. She completed a BFA at Emily Carr University of Art + Design and an MFA at Concordia University. Deyo’s art practice is autobiographical and material based. Educated as a painter, she has developed bodies of work that include unique objects and hand-made multiples, drawings, paintings, videos, sculptures, and works that straddle these media. Her work has been presented in exhibitions across Canada, the United States, and Europe. Recent exhibitions include Manif d’art—La Biennale de Québec (Musée national des beaux-arts du Québec, 2017), Op! Le vertige optique (Maison des arts de Laval, 2015–16) and the solo exhibition Still Moving (Ottawa Art Gallery, 2016). Her art is included in the Canada Council Art Bank, Collection Prêt d’œuvres d’art of the Musée national des beaux-arts du Québec, and private collections.