
Oil on canvas, 2006

183 x 183 cm
$5 000
My practice involves a synthesis of observation, inspiration, memory and ­imagination. The landscapes that I create are realized through a combination of sources and ­references, from the real to the virtual, ­creating a fluctuation of scale and context that shifts the perspective of how I see and experience my environment. ­Pollen is a window into this interior realm of the imagination where miniscule pollen becomes a vast mountain that the mind can wander and explore.
Biographical note
Rick Leong obtained his BFA (with honors) from the University of Victoria and his MFA from Concordia University in 2007. His work has been exhibited widely across Canada in numerous group and solo shows, including the Montreal Biennale in 2009. His work can be found in private and corporate collections including the Canadian Art Foundation, the Canada Council Art Bank, Collection de Prêt d’oeuvres d’art, Musée National des beaux-arts du Québec as well as the Permanent Collection at the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts. He currently lives in Montreal, Canada. A third generation Chinese-Canadian, Leong’s paintings are an exploration of western and eastern painting traditions through the context of the landscape.