Huitzilopochtli 1

Mixed media on plexiglas, 2009

122 x 122 cm
$4 000
The source of inspiration for this painting is a ­collection of names of Aztec divinities in ­Nahuatl: Toci, Atlaua, Quezalcóatl, Ometéotl, Tótec, Patécatl, Tonatiuh, ­Nanahuatzin, Citlalicue, Tezcatlipoca, Huehuetéotl, Tletonatiuh, Chalchiuhtlatónal, Chalchiuhtlicue, ­Macuilcuetzpalin, Tlalchitonatiuh, Ehécatl, Chalmécatl, Macuiltochtli, Ayauhtéotl, Tlacotzontli, ­Xochiquétzal, Macuilmalinalli, Acolmiztli, Tlalhuizcalpantecuhtli, Chantico, Atlacoya, Cihuacóatl, ­Tonatecuhtli, Paynal, Huehuecóyotl, Iztli, Mictecacíhuatl, Chiconahui, Atl, Xilonen, Xólotl, ­Matlalcehuitl, Macuilxóchitl, Temazcalteci, Mixcóatl, Tepeyóllotl, Ometochtli, Camaxtli, Xipe, Xócotl, Mictlantecuhtli, Xiuhtecuhtli, Tepoztécatl, Macuilcozcacuauhtli, Meztli, Tláloc, Ixtlilton, Tonacacíhuatl, Amimitl, Xochipilli, Yohualtecuhtli, Ilamatecuhtli, Atlatonin, Chicomexochtli, ­Itzpapálotl, Coatlicue, Huitzilopochtli, Tonantzin, Mayáhuel, Centéotl, Tlacúltetl, Teteoinnan, Toci, Yacatecuhtli, Coyolxauhqui - Atlacamani, Chicomecóatl, Tlazoltéotl, Huixtocíhuatl.
Biographical note
Born in British Columbia in 1974, Max Wyse lives and works in Montreal. His work is based on two main elements: a very personal pictorial language and technique refined over the years, and the use of plexiglas sheets as both support and surface. His work presents a certain symbiosis of human and animal bodies and is comprised of disparate objects and hybrid beings scattered in undefined spaces. Like fragments of a whispered narrative whose meaning remains mysterious, Wyse’s paintings act like a mirror reflecting the tensions under the torn skin of an unconscious teeming with fantasies—a motley, manifold and discontinuous reality in which the uncanny mingles with the everyday mundane. His work has been presented in Montreal, Paris, Vancouver, Toronto and New York City, and is part of many public and private collections.