Ça va bien aller / it will be okay

Coloured pencils and ink on paper, 2020

27.94 x 35.56 cm

The drawing Ça va bien aller / it will be okay was created in April 2020 during the Covid-19 pandemic. In the streets of Montreal, you’re likely to see images of rainbows and the phrase “ça va bien aller” in the windows of apartments and other buildings - a hopeful message to find around the city. Different versions of this display have been happening all around the world. This work is in reaction to these small messages of support and the ways we are finding to communicate with each other.

Biographical note
Lisa Theriault's work often begins with a drawing, but also includes prints, miniatures, video and installations. At the heart of her work is the relationship with place and how it shapes and is shaped by society. She has exhibited in several galleries across Canada, including AKA Artist-Run Center (Saskatoon, SK), Galerie Sans Nom (Moncton, NB), Struts Gallery (Sackville, NB), Saint John Arts Center (Saint John, NB) and Confederation Center Art Gallery (Charlottetown, PE).