Neon Slug

Acrylique sur toile, 2016

62.23 x 88.9 cm

This painting is part of a study that I began during a residency at Les Récollets in Paris, in 2015. At that time, I was exploring ways to reintroduce figuration into my paintings after primarily working in abstraction for the previous 3-4 years. I was interested in transforming human-like figures into more alien forms and exploring the theme of metamorphosis, drawing inspiration from the work of Louise Bourgeois. 

This particular painting served as a stepping stone that led me to a whole new series of work, which I refer to as my "shadow series." It played a crucial role in the development of this body of work and was exhibited at the NADA art fair in New York City in 2016. When creating it, I approached the rendering and color usage with the concept of how four-color printing works. This system involves separating a color image into four different color values using filters and screens.

Biographical note
Luc Paradis currently resides in Montreal and holds a significant presence in the vibrant artistic community. He has presented solo exhibitions at l’oeil de poisson in Québec and PARISIAN LAUNDRY in Montréal. He has collaborated with musicians from across North America, creating artwork for their various projects. In 2015, he participated in a residency at Les Récollets in Paris. Paradis was also involved in the 27th Symposium of Contemporary Art in Baie St. Paul and was invited to participate in the prestigious Canadian Art Foundation auction in 2013. His work can be found in various private collections as well as the public collection of the Collection Prêt d’oeuvres d’art at the Musée National des beaux-arts du Québec.