Postvision (Ostavinska)

Résine acrylique noire en Impression 3D, 2020

12.7 x 13.97 x 7.62 cm

Postvision (Ostavinska) is a data sculpture created from the environmental archive gathered during the exhibition "Something about Plants and Cables" in 2017 in Belgrade. A tree is transported into the city to the exhibition site. A weather station collects environmental data both inside and outside the gallery. 

Designed from the point cloud representing temperature, humidity, and sound level, Postvision (Ostavinska) explores the potential of the meteorological archive as a narrative of environmental interactions. This sculpture serves as documentation and reinterpretation of an exhibition that concluded with the planting of a white birch tree.

The sculpture will be accompanied by a digital file including an environmental archive, a sound file, a digital object and a PDF.

Biographical note

Vincent Charlebois is an interdisciplinary artist born in 1986 in Montreal. His creative work revolves around the integration of various disciplines such as performance, text, and media art. His research-creation approach focuses on the technological interfaces between nature and human-machine relationships in the context of dematerialized exchanges. His works specifically explore the themes of perceiving ecosystems through the data representation of environmental interactions and the archive as a poetic and political material. With a Bachelor's degree in Intermedia and Cyberarts from Concordia University in Montreal and a Master's degree in Ecological Construction from the Institute of Advanced Architecture of Catalonia in Barcelona, he has worked in Canadian forests for twelve seasons and currently resides in Montreal.