Untitled (It may be windy today)

Woodcut, 2019

50.8 x 76.2 cm
The use of the rainbow roll in this woodcut print creates a contrasting variation of colour (from light blue to orange) and adds depth. It references traditional Japanese mokuhanga technique, however completed in a western tradition of woodcut.
Biographical note
Alexey Lazarev is a Canadian artist based in Montreal. His artistic practice consists of printmaking (woodcut and screenprint) and oil painting. He has been working in the field of expanded print practice and completed several print-based installations on the issues of migration. In addition to that, Alexey has a passion for ceramics which influence his ideas for prints and paintings. Working from both observation and imagination, Alexey’s work tends to be figurative. He often pushes his visual ideas further by experimenting, manipulating images using collage or performing complex layering to create new dimensions in his work. He takes inspiration from the works of traditional japanese printmakers as well as contemporary artists such as David Salle, Jules de Balincour and Sean Caulfield. In terms of the subject matter, Alexey’s art focuses on the complex relationships between migration, hybrid identity, masculinity and queer theory. Alexey has been actively showing his work since 2016 and he exhibited in various venues in Montreal and internationally.