Gelatinous Cube

Acrylique sur canevas, 2017

63.5 x 88.9 cm

This work was part of a research done in 2017 that led up to a new series of paintings, it was exhibited at NADA NYC in 2017. 

The work of Luc Paradis moves in and out of various media at a rhythmic and steady pace. This multifaceted practice includes painting, sculpture and drawing. Collage serves as a guiding principle, appearing both independently as individual works and as the preface to the assemblage and installation of the various elements of his oeuvre. Paradis’ interest in collage suggests the Bauhausian axiom of the total work of art - where design, craft and fine art meet and the distinctions between various creative endeavors are blurred.

Biographical note
Luc Paradis was born in Vancouver, British Columbia in 1979. He currently resides in Montreal and is an influential figure in this vibrant artistic community. Paradis has presented solo exhibitions at l’oeil de poisson, Québec and PARISIAN LAUNDRY, Montréal. he has collaborated with musicians from across North America to produce album artwork and poster design. Paradis was a participant in the 27th symposium of Contemporary Art in Baie St. Paul and was asked to participate in the prestigious Canadian Art Foundation auction in 2013. His work is found in various private collections as well as the public collection of the Collection Prêt d’oeuvres d’art of the Musée National des beaux-arts du Québec.