Erinyes no. 3

Acrylique sur papier Arches 250g, 2017

45.72 x 35.56 cm

Cunt. Vajayjay. Vag. Pussy. Those are the words frequently used to avoid saying vulva. Between desire and repulsion, genitals - especially those of people who do not identify as cis-men - are socially considered vulgar. 

However, Catherine McInnis' Erynias find themselves in a completely different position: they are portrayed and elevated to the rank of muses. McInnis thus shows the individuality and depth of each of these abyss. Their folds and ripples are celebrated. 

Asserted, these sexes are not just aesthetic. They were unleashed after being held back, hidden, shunned, ridiculed. Like the Erinyes of Greek mythology, they are in a fury and shriek for revenge. Born by blood, the Daughters of the Night now leave the Shadow Realm to rule with their own law. There is no shame in showing off vulvas. Their names should be on everyone's lips. 
- Sevia Pellissier