Tripes et roches
liwa mairin

Photographie numérique sous-marine, impression à encre pigmentée sur papier Hahnemuehle Photo Rag white, 2015

20.32 x 25.4 cm
Edition of 20

The photographic series liwa mairin was realized in the Hondurian Mosquitia, one of the most isolated jungles in the world, between february 2015 and july 2016. I spent several weeks with the Miskitos from the Caribean Coast. 

The Miskito world revolves around water: rivers, lagunas, the ocean. There, they find their food and ressources, and sometimes, their death. Here, the rocky ground of Bobel island, a small coral reef in the Caribbean sea, is strewn with intestines from freshly gutted sea cucumber.

Biographical note
Valérian lives and works in Montréal.