Shaped canvas en négatif

Peinture acrylique sur toile de coton, 2020

22.86 x 22.86 cm
Frank Stella peignait ses toiles selon la forme du tableau qu’il avait conçu, créant des œuvres autoréférentielles. En réponse à sa démarche, je fais le contraire: je conçois la forme des tableaux selon les motifs préalablement peints sur la toile.
Biographical note
Annabelle Brazeau is an emerging artist studying at UQAM (University of Quebec in Montreal). Two major aspects converge in her artistic approach. Firstly, there is a pictorial interest in color and its richness when accumulated. Over the past year, Annabelle has focused her technique on the visual effects that can be created through the layering of colors. Her artwork "Shaped canvas en négatif" (2020) and numerous studies, using acrylic and oil pastels, bear witness to this visual fascination with the optical effects generated by stacked complementary colors. Her approach is characterized by a profound reflection on the people who surround her, whether closely or distantly. Her inquiry revolves around the question of whether humans are naturally inclined to appreciate artworks that make them think of themselves and their own lives. In the manner of Barthes' punctum, do we indeed appreciate an artwork more when it evokes our personal experiences, regardless of the rules, morals, norms, and values that the artwork discusses? Is it truly possible to be genuinely interested in another person's artistic work, with complete altruism? Printed arts and painting are the mediums that she favors in her work.