
Oil on canvas, 2015

76 x 91,5 cm
$2 600
Conservatory places abstract formal elements in a pictorially collaged compositional rhythm. This process is typical of my new series, in which architectural, figural, and landscape motifs are blurred together into an aesthetic harmony. Building on the work in my recent solo show Uncommon Ground at Galerie Art Mûr, my new series carries painterly elements to the edge of the canvas and beyond, while still focusing on figure/ground relationships.
Biographical note
Trevor Kiernander earned an MFA at Goldsmiths, University of London in 2009 and recently returned to Montreal to work full time on his painting practice. He takes visual cues from real and virtual environments to examine, assemble, and deconstruct space and to explore figure/ground relationships and the representation of architectural motifs. Starting with visual ideas drawn from photographs of buildings and landscapes, he breaks down and reconstructs a world formed of dislocated and interwoven partial planes, lines, and shapes. A dynamic tension is created among formal elements, such as splashes of colour, shapes reminiscent of the outlines of architectural structures, dissecting lines, charcoal under-drawings, and masking tape intentionally left in place or used to paint hard edges. Occasionally layered over these are solid blocks of dark earth tones that occlude parts of the image, producing a sense of realistic three-dimensional space, part of which is obscured from view. Kiernander’s works are exhibited internationally and included in private and public collections including TD Bank, Loto-Québec, the CPOA du Musée national des beaux-arts du Québec, Concordia University, and Université de Sherbrooke.