Morandi’s Objects #5

Ink on paper, 2014

38,1 x 28,2 cm
Morandi’s Objects are drawings derived from seeing the objects installed as part of Documenta 13 in 2012. The objects were included with six paintings by Morandi. The drawings are an attempt to “try on Morandi’s shoes” for a short time.
Biographical note
Michael Merrill was born 1953 in Montreal and has been painting and exhibiting since 1975. He has a diploma from the School of Art and Design of the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts. He uses his personal point of view as the basis for making representational paintings and drawings in the contemporary world. Merrill has exhibited in Cologne, Berlin, and Paris, and at the inaugural Québec Triennial, organized by the Musée d’art contemporain de Montréal in 2008. Other exhibitions include Espace/Outer Space and Espace intérieur/Inner Space, at the McClure Gallery of the Visual Arts Centre in Montreal and the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, respectively, in the fall of 2011. In 2012 he participated in the exhibition Builders at the National Gallery of Canada; in 2013, in Projet Peinture at Galerie de l’UQAM in Montreal. His works are in various collections, including the Musée d’art contemporain de Montréal, the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, the National Gallery, the MacLaren Art Centre, the Claridge Collection, Deutsche Bank, Hydro-Québec, and Musée national des beaux-arts du Québec, as well as private collections.